June 27, 2002(ish)

Welp, looks like we made it through the G8 summit without any major incidents! I didn’t even get stopped by the cops this time! (of course, I didn’t walk from work to the bus stop downtown at 7am wearing a black trenchcoat this week either).
I got to work at the “secondary operations center” during the G8 days this week. It wasn’t quite as High tech as the actual operations center, but it did have air conditioning. Here are a few pics of the working conditions. 🙂
pic 1
pic 2
pic 3

June 06, 2002(ish)

Wow…June already. Lessee…I went out to BC to visit Jenn’s Grandma and family on may long weekend. Got to play with a baby miniture horse! Jenn and I are now looking for a new place to live together. And a ton of other things I’m sure I’m forgetting. 🙂 Oh…here’re the pics from BC!