June 26, 2005(ish)

heh.So…7 weeks of married bliss later….We had a great time in ‘stoon. The drive up to edson was…long. very long. But we got the puppy. Seamus is doing great, and we should have some new pictures of him up soon. He’s such an awesome dog. 🙂
Other than that, life has been pretty much business as usual. Went out to a barbeque last night and had a great time (thanks Kevin!)
Our basement stayed dry through the whole flooding thing we had here. Living on a hill definately was an advantage there. Our garden, however, is just getting dry, and our lawn has only been cut twice since we’ve been married (today being one of those times) because it’s been so wet. Our garden is coming up good (as are the weeds), much for the same reason. 🙂

May 05, 2005(ish)

Yay! Today Jenn and I got married.
The ceremony was awesome (Thanks Nadene, Chan, and Tremaine!)
We had dinner at Smuggler’s Inn after taking pictures and we got stuffed. 🙂
We’ll be heading into Saskatoon in the morning, and on Sunday we’re driving to Edson to pick up our new puppy! So by the end of sunday, we’ll have put over 1800 km’s on the car. Wish us luck!


April 02, 2005(ish)

Oops. 🙂
Many many updates. Well a couple anyways.
#1 Jenn and I are engaged. We will be getting married at a secret bat time, and a secret bat place. 🙂

#2 We are getting a puppy! He was born Feb. 24th, and we’re getting him at the beginning of May, but we have to drive to Edson(!) to get him. Soon he’ll be rescued from the remoteness of Edson and become an urban dweller. 🙂

#3 We did yardwork today! How grown up and responsible of us.

#4 Jenn has possibly got carpal tunnel in her right hand. 🙁 Hopefully it just turns out to be tendonitus tho.

other than that, stuff here is the usual. 🙂

December 25, 2004(ish)

The Christmas Haul!
We had an awesome Christmas this year at our place. We had Jenn’s family over and it was a blast. Pictures are in the usual place. 🙂
We got a good haul this year too. First of all, we managed to procure a new camera. We got it as Jenn has finally settled her claim from our accident from almost 2 years ago. It was our treat to ourselves.
Jenn made out like a bandit with a sewing machine, a bunch of accessories and a sewing table. I got a metric schwackload of fishing stuff (I know what I’m doing this summer!) and an actual aussie oil slicker. Black. It’s the best!
Hope everyone else had an excellent Christmas as well!
